
The following guides provide general information about using VDAB. For specific examples and details about using VDAB for specific application find an appropriate application guide.

Guide Description
Visual Event Dataflow Introduces event dataflow programming and the components in VDAB including flows and processing nodes.
Flow Types This guide describes different types of flows that can be built using VDAB including Standard flows, Triggered flows and Sub flows.
The Learning Mode This guide details VDAB can be run in the learning mode. It also describes how counters and inspectors can be used to provide insight into the flow.
Building an Event Watershed This guide details VDAB processing containers can be organized so that the data can be pushed “downstream” for additional handling.
The VDAB Web Client Describes the differences between the full-featured Android client and the web client. Details how the web client can be used for administration and presentation of a VDAB application. (INCOMPLETE)
Building Web Applications Describes the differences between the full-featured Android client and the web client. Details how the web client can be used for administration and presentation of a VDAB application
VDAB Security Describes how role based security can be implemented and how it works with the Android Client and the Web Client
Standard Directories This reference document identifies the standard directories created when installing VDAB.
Server Updates This guide describes the procedure for applying updates to the VDAB server manually.
Adding Packages This guide details how packages can be added to a VDAB Container. Specific database drivers are added as packages.
Custom Java Development This guide details how to setup your IDE for custom java development
Creating Custom Function Sets This guide details how to create a customized java function by implementing a single Java Class
Alerting and Notifications Demonstrates how systems can be monitored and alerts created
Creating Custom Forms Details how custom input forms can be created, deployed in a VDAB container and used in a flow.
Using Data Pools Describes how data pools can be used to share data between different nodes and flows.
Log File Monitoring Describes how VDAB can monitor and process data written to log files.