
Event Watershed Whitepapers

Streaming Event Watershed
This paper begins by identifying the historical need for an Enterprise Event Bus that can handle the large volume of data represented by many types of lower-level events. Next it introduces and describes the structure of the Streaming Event Watershed as an approach to achieving a scalable Enterprise Event Bus. Finally it provides details of an initial reference implementation of the Streaming Event Watershed leveraging Hadoop® and MJA Technology LLC’s VDABtm.

Performance Whitepapers

Automated Performance Modeling
This document details how modeling can be completely automated and included as part of your release procedure.

Performance Modeling
This document describes the technique of performance modeling and identifies how it can enhance overall performance management.

Performance Regression
This document describes how modeling techniques can provide valuable performance regression information whenever standard functional regression tests are completed.

Continuous Performance
Taking Agile Performance with VDAB one step further can lead to an efficient approach that enhanced both development and production.

Other Documents

Production Performance Quiz – How well do you understand your production performance? Take the quiz.