Web Development

In addition to natively hosting web pages and displaying visual VDAB nodes, VDAB provides a powerful tool for managing back end web processing for an external web site.
MJA Technology LLC’s trouble ticketing and user registration applications where completely implemented using simple web pages combined with the powerful back end processing capabilities of VDAB.

Demo Web Link
Application Guide
  • Flows manage back end web control sequences
  • Flows can invoke downstream processing.
  • The HTTPSource node can be used capture a form and initiate validation and any processing.
  • The HTTPService node can query a web page and process returned JSON or html data.
Sample Flows Overview
grabViewingChart Demonstrates periodically retrieving an chart describing astronomical seeing conditions from a web site using HTTPService. The data is stored and served on VDAB’s integral web server. The charts are here
grabLocalWeather Demonstrates retrieving local weather information from Open Weather Map using the HTTPService. The JSON data is converted to VDAB event data to find the local temperature, humidity and pressure. Historical data is saved and charted.
registerUser Demonstrates creating a simple flow that handles user registration. A standard HTML form is used to push the data to a HTTPSource node in the VDAB flow. After sending a confirmation email, the HTTPResponse node acknowledges the registration.
distanceFromCleveland Demonstrates creating a simple HTTPSource which receives the latitude and longitude, invokes a function set to calculate the distance from Cleveland and returns that information in a page.