IoT Processing Hub

With VDAB’s distributed architecture, visual processing paradigm and IoT processing capabilities it can serve as a powerful IoT Processing Hub
The following sample programs demonstrate using VDAB and its MQTT nodes in conjunction with a MQTT server. (All are running on a Raspberry PI.)
After initial processing, VDAB’s data archiving and event watershed architecture ensure data is effectively handled.

Demo Web Link
Required Modules
Application Guide
  • The MQTTSource can listen to one or more topics from a MQTT Server.
  • The MQTTTarget node allows publishing VDAB data directly to any MQTT topic.
  • The FromJSON node is used to parse MQTT data that represented as JSON.

Sample Flows Overview
listenSonoff VDAB include a MQTT Source node which allows it to monitor temperature and humidity data gathered by a Sonoff device. VDAB parses the MQTT message, identifies the metric fields and stores the data in it’s event/metric data base. In addition if the humidity exceeds 58 an alert is created.
lightSwitch VDAB’s MQTT target node can be used to control devices that listen to MQTT for direction. In this case clicking on the visual switch will publish a MQTT message which controls a Sonoff device and turns on and off a light.